My capstone game made with a team of 8.
2024.10. - In Progress
Role: UI designer and concept artist.
---First-person co-op horror multiplayer (4P)---
Become contestants in a horror-themed game show
Goal is not just to survive, but to put on a show and rack up points while doing so!
Host Design
The horror show was structured as a comedy show -- which has a host.
First draft of ideas, for which I intentionally developed the drafts into different directions
The group picked the first one to be further developed
More explorations on the design and more sketches
This is the design we eventually settled down on.
UI Design
The UI was meant to be similar to be readable in the dark background, and also comedy show vibe.
The first round of UI was simply going with "comedy show" vibe. 
The group find it a bit too noisy, so we tuned it down to monochrome.
The current solution is neon colored outlines.
Concept Art
I also did some quick concept art for some environments in the game.
Some early concept arts for mine and minecarts.

Keep Explore...

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